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каталог химических ресурсов // тематические сайты // научные общества

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Royal Society of Chemistry
The RSC is the largest organisation in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences. Supported by a worldwide network of members and an international publishing business, our activities span education, conferences, science policy and the promotion of chemistry to the public.
переходов по ссылке: 175

Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science & Technology
Society for Advancement of Electrochemical Science & Technology (SAEST).
переходов по ссылке: 230

Society for Applied Spectroscopy
The Society for Applied Spectroscopy is a nonprofit organization formed to advance and disseminate knowledge and information concerning the art and science of spectroscopy, and other allied sciences, to advance the professional standing and growth of the Society and its members, to coordinate cooperative endeavors of its individual members and sections, and to promote and maintain a close bond among its members.
переходов по ссылке: 265

Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan (SCEJ) was founded in 1936, initiated as The Society of Chemical Machinery Engineers. The mission of SCEJ is to promote the advancement of academic standards in chemical engineering and to facilitate and organize activities of key academic groups. For these purposes SCEJ has a history of providing opportunities to enable industrial, academic and governmental sectors to work, think and plan together in cooperation with related academic societies and associations. Through such activities, we are striving to foster new research and technology development over a wide range of industrial fields including chemical engineering. SCEJ is using the teamwork to realize dreams for the future and benefit of society.
переходов по ссылке: 118

Society of Chemical Industry
The Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) is a unique international forum where science meets business on independent, impartial ground. The Society offers a chance to share information between sectors as diverse as food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, environmental science and safety. Originally established in 1881, SCI is a registered charity with individual Members in over 70 countries. Its international headquarters are in London, UK.
переходов по ссылке: 254

Society of Dyers and Colourists
The SDC is the world's leading independent, educational charity dedicated to advancing the science and technology of colour worldwide. Established in 1884, we have been representing our members and our industry for over 100 years. The SDC is a professional, chartered society. We are also a global organisation, with our Head Office in Bradford UK, we have an international network of regions and activities. Our mission is to communicate the science of colour in a changing world.
переходов по ссылке: 195

Society of Mineral Analysts
The Society of Mineral Analysts is a non-profit organization. This site is primarily for the use of our membership, however visitors are welcome. The SMA's membership are assayers, chemists, laboratory managers, geologists, suppliers and vendors both in and serving the mineral analysis industry.
переходов по ссылке: 185

Society of Plastics Engineers
Every day the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) helps people and companies in the plastics industry succeed. How? By spreading knowledge , strengthening skills and promoting plastics. SPE is the only place where people from all parts of the industry can come together around important issues and technologies. SPE’s contribution to the plastics industry for over 60 years has made a significant difference to the technologies and innovations the industry enjoys today. In the process, we've developed a 20,000-member network of leading engineers, scientists and other plastics professionals, including technicians, salespeople, marketers, retailers and representatives from tertiary industries.
переходов по ссылке: 214

Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines
The Society of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (SPP) was formed in June 2000 at the conclusion of the First International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-1) held in Dijon, France. This was the first worldwide meeting devoted only to research in the fields of porphyrins and phthalocyanines and was attended by almost 600 scientists from more than 40 different countries. The Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (JPP) had been publishing manuscripts on both porphyrin and phthalocyanine topics since 1997 but there was still very little scientific interaction among the JPP authors or members of the Editorial Board who considered themselves either "porphyrin scientists" or "phthalocyanine researchers" and had devoted their careers to research in one of the two fields but not both. Thus, formation of our new society in June 2000 was intended to break down barriers between the two fields of research (and researchers) and further all types of scientific interactions between these two disciplines which at that time were linked by a similar looking macrocycle and a journal but not much more. The broad goal of SPP has always been to serve the interests of scientists working in any area of porphyrins, phthalocyanines and related macrocycles, independent of their scientific discipline, be it chemistry, physics, biology, biochemistry or material science.
переходов по ссылке: 133

Societа Italiana di Fitochimica
The Italian Society of Phytochemistry - Societа Italiana di Fitochimica (SIF) is a free association of reserchers interested on the study of all aspects of the vegetable kingdom. The Society is not a commercial organization; it does not seek to earn a financial profit from its various activities.
переходов по ссылке: 204

The Chinese Society for Metals
The Chinese Society for Metals is non-profit academic organization concerned with the advancement of science and technology in metallurgical industry and material science and engineering in China and is also an organization of Chinease scientists and engineers in these fields.
переходов по ссылке: 153

The Phytochemical Society of North America
The Phytochemical Society of North America (PSNA) is a nonprofit scientific organization whose membership is open to anyone with an interest in phytochemistry and the role of plant substances in related fields. Goal: to encourage and stimulate research in the chemistry and biochemistry of plant constituents, their effects upon plant and animal physiology and pathology, and their industrial importance and utilization.
переходов по ссылке: 247

World Corrosion Organization
The World Corrosion Organization promote education and best practices in corrosion control for the socio-economic benefit of society, preservation of resources, and protection of the environment. Members of WCO are international, national and other not-for-profit organizations involved in dissemination of corrosion information, corrosion research, education, mitigation, and/or materials selection.
переходов по ссылке: 191

Австралийская коррозионная ассоциация
Австралийская коррозионная ассоциация (Australasian Corrosion Association), основанная в 1955 году, оказывает помощь компаниям, организациям и частным лицам Австралии и Новой Зеландии в борьбе с коррозией.
переходов по ссылке: 265

Австрийское общество аналитической химии
Австрийское общество аналитической химии (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Analytische Chemie).
переходов по ссылке: 185

Австрийское химическое общество
Австрийское химическое общество (Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker, GÖCH), снованное в 1897 году, является крупнейшим химическим обществом в Австрии. Общество насчитывает в своих рядах около 1900 членов, включая большое число студентов и компаний, оказывающих спонсорскую поддержку организации. В составе общества функционирует 27 рабочих групп, чья деятельность охватывает все области современной химии.
переходов по ссылке: 196

Американская ассоциация клинической химии
Американская ассоциация клинической химии (American Association for Clinical Chemistry) – международное научно-медицинское общество, объединяющее физиков, научных сотрудников и других специалистов, занимающихся клинической химией и смежными дисциплинами. Основанное в 1948 году общество со штаб-квартирой в Вашингтоне к настоящему моменту насчитывает в своих рядах около 9000 членов.
переходов по ссылке: 200

Американская кристаллографическая ассоциация
Американская кристаллографическая ассоциация (American Crystallographic Association, Inc.) – некоммерческая научная организация, объединяющая свыше 2200 членов в более чем 60 странах. Целью, основанной в 1949 году, ассоциации является упрочнение взаимодействия среди ученых, изучающих структуру материи на атомном уровне.
переходов по ссылке: 209

Американское керамическое общество
Американское керамическое общество (The American Ceramic Society) объединяет более 9,500 ученых, инженеров, исследователей, технологов, преподователей, студентов, профессионалов в сфере маркетинга и продаж из более 70 стран. Целью общества является развитие исследований и использования керамики и смежных материалов.
переходов по ссылке: 219

Аргентинская ассоциация инженеров-химиков
Аргентинская ассоциация инженеров-химиков (Asociación Argentina de Ingenieros Quìmicos).
переходов по ссылке: 197

Аргентинское биохимическое общество
Аргентинское биохимическое общество (Asociación Bioquímica Argentina, ABA).
переходов по ссылке: 126

Аргентинское химическое общество
Аргентинское химическое общество (Asociación Química Argentina).
переходов по ссылке: 155

Ассоциация пользователей ядерного магнитного резонанса
Ассоциация пользователей ядерного магнитного резонанса (Associação de Usuários de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear, AUREMN), Бразилия.
переходов по ссылке: 140

Ассоциация химиков Коста-Рики
Ассоциация химиков Коста-Рики (Colegio de Químicos de Costa Rica).
переходов по ссылке: 166

Ассоциация химиков Панамы
Ассоциация химиков Панамы (Colegio Panameño de Químicos).
переходов по ссылке: 140

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