European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids (Euro Fed Lipid) is a federation of 13 scientific associations concerned with Lipids, Fats and Oils. The federation represents 2000 individuals and companies. Its mission is the furthering of lipid science and technology and the cooperation and exchange of ideas between scientists and technologists at a European level. The activities of Euro Fed Lipid include the organisation of international congresses at varying venues, the co-organisation of the annual fair "oils+fats" and the publishing of the "European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology".
The Society was founded in 1976 with the aim of helping to advance the science of Neurochemistry for the public benefit, in particular to facilitate exchange of ideas and interests amongst its members.
European Society for Separation Science (EuSSS) is a non-profit organisation whose target is to advance and harmonise Separation Science and to promote its recognition in the member countries. Individual scientists are warmly encouraged to participate in the promotion of this Society and to come up with suggestions of topics for discussion.
The Flow Chemistry Society was formed by internationally recognized flow chemistry experts in 2010 to unite and represent those who are actively working on this rapidly developing field. The Society is dedicated to enhance the public appreciation of flow chemistry and its integration into everyday practice throughout the world by delivering the latest knowledge and making it available for the entire chemistry community.
The Geochemical Society is a nonprofit scientific society founded to encourage the application of chemistry to the solution of geological and cosmological problems.
German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie) is a non-profit making scientific and technical society based in Frankfurt on Main . It was founded in 1894 and since 1902 has been known as the German Bunsen Society for Applied Physical Chemistry (Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für angewandte physikalische Chemie) in honour of the famous physical chemist Robert Wilhelm Bunsen. Our aim is to promote research and technical advances in the area of physical chemistry. The German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry is engaged in national and European research and education policy and offers its members a forum for the exchange of ideas and know-how and for the support of their activities.
Since the discovery of the first liquid crystal in 1888, research on the liquid crystalline state of order has developed into an interdisciplinary subject in itself, combining the research areas of the chemical-, physical-, biological- and applications sciences. The DFKG wants to serve as a forum for the widespread scientific exchange of the results of liquid crystal research and promote co-operation between scientists involved in research and development.
The activities of InCerS include broadly an appraisal of the trend of ceramic industry and research as also an analysis of the impact of the fast developing science and technology and business environment on the growth of indigenous ceramic industry. Emphasis is laid on fostering cordial and friendly relationship and co-operation among fellow members with a view to serving the interest of research and industry in a large way.
Aims & Objectives of Indian Society of Applied Geochemists: To promote the cause of advanced study in all branches of geochemistry, especially with their applications for the benefit of mankind; To cooperate with existing Academies, Societies and Institutes having similar objectives for the advancement of science and social benefit in India, and with other such associations and bodies when founded; To promote the cause of research and training in Applied Geochemistry and related fields in India; To organize workshops and conferences on subjects of interest and importance for the advancement of knowledge on Applied Geochemistry in India; To represent Internationally the scientific work of India in the field of Applied Geochemistry and related fields.
Institution of Chemical Engineers - международный профессиональный союз, созданный в 1922 году. IChemE объединяет в своих рядах 30000 инженеров и химиков-технологов из более чем 113 стран мира.
The Inter-Society Color Council (ISCC) is the principal professional society in the field of color in the United States, encompassing the arts, sciences and industry.
An international society devoted to advancement of geoanalytical science and promoting the interests and supporting the professional needs of those involved in the analysis of geological and enviromental materials.
The International Isotope Society is a chartered, international organization independent of special interests groups or companies, makers or users of isotopes (radioactive or stable), etc. It is run entirely by the enthusiastic and unselfish dedicated volunteer work of its members. Its major areas of interest are the synthesis and applications of isotopicaly labeled compounds; the analysis and purification of isotopicaly labeled compounds; the applications of isotopes in various fields of science, industry as well as medicine; and uses in the discovery of new drugs.
The International Ozone Association (IOA) was formed in 1973 to serve as the focal point for technology transfer and developments on ozone-related issues. For this purpose, IOA has served as the central , worldwide gathering and disseminating point on ozone information, bringing together scientists, engineers, systems designers, technologists, equipment manufacturers, and end users to share their experiences and research data on ozone and other related oxygen compounds. The IOA is a not-for-profit educational association which performs its information-sharing functions through sponsorship of international symposia, seminars, publications, and the development of personal relationships among ozone specialists throughout the world.
The International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) has a proud history dating back to its establishment in 1965 and publishes the Journal of Neurochemistry. ISN as the sole international society focused on neurochemistry strives to promote all relevant aspects of molecular and cellular neuroscience. The International Society for Neurochemistry (ISN) is a nonprofit membership organization of scientists and physicians who are active in the field of neurochemistry, cell and molecular neuroscience or related areas and aims: to facilitate the worldwide advancement of neurochemistry and related neuroscience disciplines; to foster the education and development of neuroscientists, particularly of young and emerging investigators; to disseminate information about neurochemistry and neurochemists' activities throughout the world.
The members of the Society encourage research on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PAC), review, compile and disseminate Information on PAC and provide leadership in the field of PAC research. The Society pursues these objectives by: Providing forums for the presentation and discussion of new methodologies and development of technology for research into all properties and processes related to PAC. The focal point for this is a biennial conference held alternately in North America and Europe; Encouraging excellence in research and education related to PAC; Encouraging and facilitating the interchange of information among members and other professional and technical groups; Providing information for use by both scientists, and the public at large; Identifying a comprehensive set of properties for the identification and characterization of PAC, ascertaining which data are currently available, and compiling this data in a format that is useful.
The IUCr is an International Scientific Union. Its objectives are to promote international cooperation in crystallography and to contribute to all aspects of crystallography, to promote international publication of crystallographic research, to facilitate standardization of methods, units, nomenclatures and symbols, and to form a focus for the relations of crystallography to other sciences.
The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) is the global union of soil scientists. The objectives of the IUSS are to promote all branches of soil science, and to support all soil scientists across the world in the pursuit of their activities.
The Japan Society for Composite Materials is a relatively young academic society which was established in 1975 for the purpose of developing and promoting the science and technology of composite materials.
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering (JSCE) is leading society in corrosion science and corrosion Engineering in Japan. Established in 1974 as a Society succeeded 97th Committee of JSPS formed in 1933. Only the Society combined with Academic and Industries for Corrosion research in Japan.
The Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (JSSSPN) was established in 1927, to construct modern theories and technical structures in the study of soil science and plant nutrition that are deeply related to the production of food and feed. Since then, we have evolved also to the aspects of environmental science for the conservation of land resources. Our Society currently has over 3,000 members, and has expanded into numerous areas of research and technology.
Korean Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is Korea’s leading society in the field of biochemistry with rich history. Currently we are the largest society with approximately 8000 members in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology and we provide the latest information of life science by publishing 3 types of periodicals in monthly webzine. Our society was awarded with «Excellence Award» by Korea Medical Society 4 times - 3 times consecutively from 2007, an evidence to our position as the Korea’s leading academic group in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.
The Phytochemical Society of Europe exists to serve all those with an interest in the chemistry and biochemistry of plants and in the applications of such knowledge in industry and agriculture.