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каталог химических ресурсов // журналы // неорганическая химия

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Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Published by the German Chemical Society, and features original contributions and review-type articles in all fields of chemistry, biochemistry, and materials science.
переходов по ссылке: 655

Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section A
Section A reviews annual developments in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry. Every year, all the elements are reviewed, as is progress in organometallic and co-ordination chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, computational methods, inorganic materials science, inorganic mechanisms and bio-inorganic chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 465

Chemical Communications
Urgent high quality communications from across the chemical sciences. ChemComm is renowned as the fastest publisher of articles providing information on new avenues of research, drawn from all the world's major areas of chemical research.
переходов по ссылке: 808

Chemical Reviews
Chemical Reviews is one of the most highly regarded and highest-ranked journals covering the general topic of chemistry. The mission of Chemical Reviews is to provide comprehensive, authoritative, critical, and readable reviews of important recent research in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, theoretical, and biological chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 657

Chemistry - A European Journal
Ведущий европейский журнал по общей и неорганической химии.
переходов по ссылке: 519

Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry publishes fundamental studies in all phases of inorganic chemistry, including solid-state chemistry, coordination chemistry, inorganic materials chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, theoretical inorganic chemistry, supermolecule chemistry, applied inorganic chemistry and related field of catalysis. Emphasis is on the synthesis, thermodynamics, kinetics, spectroscopy, structure and bonding properties of new and known compounds.
переходов по ссылке: 391

Coordination Chemistry Reviews
The journal offers rapid publication of review articles on topics of current interest and importance in coordination chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 390

Dalton Transactions
The international journal for inorganic, organometallic and bioinorganic chemistry. Dalton Transactions is one of the most respected international inorganic chemistry journals and has an impact factor of 3.212.
переходов по ссылке: 408

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag). Домашняя страница журнала: оглавление, правила для авторов, поиск статей.
переходов по ссылке: 507

Inorganic Chemistry
Fundamental studies in all phases of inorganic chemistry with emphasis on the synthesis, structure, thermodynamics, reactivity, spectroscopy, and bonding properties of significant new and known compounds.
переходов по ссылке: 507

Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Launched in January 1998, Inorganic Chemistry Communications is an international journal dedicated to the rapid publication of short communications in the major areas of inorganic, organometallic and supramolecular chemistry. Topics include synthetic and reaction chemistry, kinetics and mechanisms of reactions, bioinorganic chemistry, photochemistry and the use of metal and organometallic compounds in stoichiometric and catalytic synthesis or organic compounds.
переходов по ссылке: 389

Inorganica Chimica Acta
Inorganica Chimica Acta is an established international forum for research in all aspects of Inorganic Chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 384

Inorganics is an open access journal that covers all aspects of inorganic chemistry research. Inorganics publishes reviews, regular research papers (articles) and short communications.
переходов по ссылке: 373

Intermetallics is concerned with all aspects of ordered chemical compounds between two or more metals and notably with their applications. On the more fundamental side, the journal covers: the crystal chemistry and bonding theory of intermetallics; determination and analysis of phase diagrams; the nature of superlattices, antiphase domains and order-disorder transitions; the geometry and dynamics of dislocations and related defects in intermetallics; theory and experiments relating to flow stress, work-hardening, fatigue and creep; reponse of deformed intermetallics to annealing; magnetic and electrical properties of intermetallics; structure and properties of grain and interphase boundaries; the effect of deviations from stoichiometry on physical and mechanical properties; crystallization of intermetallics from the melt or amorphous precursors.
переходов по ссылке: 325

International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of inorganic chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 353

Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
The Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry covers advances in the understanding of systems involving one or more metal ions set in a biological matrix - particularly metalloproteins and metal-nucleic acid complexes - in order to understand biological function at the molecular level. Synthetic analogues mimicking function, structure and spectroscopy of naturally occurring biological molecules are also of interest to the journal.
переходов по ссылке: 364

Journal of Coordination Chemistry
The Journal of Coordination Chemistry publishes the results of original investigations involving the physical and chemical properties, syntheses and structures of coordination compounds. Its scope may be defined as being concerned with the interactions of organic and inorganic ligands with metal centres.
переходов по ссылке: 409

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry
The Journal of Fluorine Chemistry contains original papers and short communications describing both pure and applied research on the chemistry and applications of fluorine, and of compounds where fluorine exercises significant effects. The Journal of Fluorine Chemistry covers inorganic, organic, organometallic and physical chemistry and also includes papers on biochemistry and environmental industrial chemistry. Preparative and physico-chemical investigations as well as theoretical, structural and mechanistic aspects are covered.
переходов по ссылке: 357

Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Journal of Inorganic Chemistry is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles related to all aspects of inorganic chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 412

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
The Journal of Organometallic Chemistry has a long-standing tradition for publishing original papers dealing with theoretical aspects, structural chemistry, synthesis, physical and chemical properties including reaction mechanisms, and practical applications of organometallic compounds.
переходов по ссылке: 359

Journal of the American Chemical Society
The Journal of the American Chemical Society, founded in 1879, is the flagship journal of the American Chemical Society and the preeminent journal in the field. This periodical is devoted to the publication of fundamental research papers in all areas of chemistry and publishes approximately 16,000 pages of Articles, Communications, Book Reviews, and Computer Software Reviews a year. Published weekly, JACS provides research essential to the field of chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 508

Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry
Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry provides a forum for the rapid publication of scientific investigation of the highest quality across the broad field of nitric oxide research.
переходов по ссылке: 292

Organometallics records progress in one of the most active fields for organometallic, inorganic, organic, and materials chemists. Articles, communications, mini-reviews, and notes detail the synthesis, structure, bonding, chemical reactivity and reaction mechanisms, and applications of organometallic and organometalloidal compounds. Applications coverage includes organic and polymer synthesis, catalytic processes, and synthetic aspects of materials science and solid-state chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 397

Polyhedron will publish original, fundamental, experimental and theoretical work of the highest quality in all the major areas of inorganic chemistry. These include synthetic chemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, and solid-state and materials chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 361

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry
Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry is devoted to the rapid dissemination of original research papers of relevance to inorganic and metal-organic chemists and nano-scientists engaged in synthesis and characterization of Inorganic, Main Group, Metal-Organic and Nano-Particulate Constructs. This journal publishes syntheses and reactivity of new compounds, new classes of nanoparticles, new methods for preparation of known compounds and nanoparticles, and new experimental techniques and procedures.
переходов по ссылке: 457

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