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каталог химических ресурсов // журналы // коллоидная химия и химия поверхности

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
An International Journal Devoted to Experimental and Theoretical Developments in Interfacial and Colloidal Phenomena and their Implications in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Technology
переходов по ссылке: 1838

Applied Surface Science
Applied Surface Science covers topics contributing to a better understanding of applications of surfaces, interfaces, thin films and other nanostructures. The journal is concerned with scientific research on the atomic and molecular level of properties, determined with multiple surface analytical techniques, as well as the processing and application of these structures.
переходов по ссылке: 1698

Colloid and Polymer Science
A leading international journal of longstanding tradition - is devoted to colloid and polymer science and its interdisciplinary interactions.
переходов по ссылке: 1730

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects is an international journal devoted to the science underlying applications of colloids and interfacial phenomena. The journal aims at publishing high quality research papers featuring new materials or new insights into the role of colloid and interface science in (for example) food, energy, minerals processing, pharmaceuticals or the environment.
переходов по ссылке: 1544

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces is an international journal devoted to fundamental and applied research on colloid and interfacial phenomena in relation to systems of biological origin, having particular relevance to the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, food and cosmetic fields.
переходов по ссылке: 1484

Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science
Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science (COCIS) is an international Journal focussed on the major areas of colloid/interface/polymer science. The journal also encompasses aspects of materials science, industrial applications of colloids, and biologically-relevant systems.
переходов по ссылке: 1394

Interface Science
Kluwer Interface Science journal
переходов по ссылке: 1349

Journal of Aerosol Science
Founded in 1970, the Journal of Aerosol Science considers itself the prime vehicle for the publication of original work as well as reviews related to basic and applied aerosol research. Its content is directed at scientists working in areas such as physics, chemistry, engineering, applied mathematics, aerobiology, medicine, industrial and environmental hygiene, toxicology, or materials processing.
переходов по ссылке: 326

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
The Journal of Colloid and Interface Science publishes original research on fundamental principles of colloid and interface science and applications of these principles in chemistry, chemical engineering, physics, applied mathematics, materials science, polymer science, electrochemistry, geology, agronomy, biology, medicine, fluid dynamics, and related fields.
переходов по ссылке: 375

Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
The journal will appeal to people working on fundamental developments in the rheological sciences and applications on both the macroscopic and microscopic scale.
переходов по ссылке: 345

Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology
The primary objective of the Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology is to provide an international forum for the dissemination of scientific and technical information and knowledge about sol-gel processed materials. The materials of interest include ge
переходов по ссылке: 1422

Journal of Surfactants and Detergents
Since 1998, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents (JSD) has remained dedicated to the practical and theoretical aspects of oleochemical and petrochemical surfactants, soaps and detergents. This growing quarterly scientific journal publishes peer-reviewed research papers, and reviews related to surfactants and detergents technologies.
переходов по ссылке: 460

Langmuir is an interdisciplinary journal publishing articles in the following subject categories: colloids (surfactants and self-assembly, dispersions, emulsions, foams); interfaces (adsorption, reactions, films, forces); biological Interfaces (biocolloids, biomolecular and biomimetic materials); materials (nano- and mesostructured materials, polymers, gels, liquid crystals); electrochemistry (interfacial charge transfer, charge transport, electrocatalysis, electrokinetic phenomena, bioelectrochemistry); devices and applications (sensors, fluidics, patterning, catalysis, photonic crystals).
переходов по ссылке: 666

Progress in Surface Science
Progress in Surface Science publishes progress reports and review articles by invited authors of international stature. The papers are aimed at surface scientists and cover various aspects of surface science.
переходов по ссылке: 1384

Rheologica Acta
Rheologica Acta has the aim of advancing rheology in the broadest sense. The journal accepts papers in all core areas of fluid or solid rheology. Studies which integrate rheology with other physical or chemical phenomena, which explore novel experimental
переходов по ссылке: 1390

Surface and Coatings Technology
Surface and Coatings Technology is an international archival journal publishing scientific papers on surface and interface engineering to modify and improve the surface properties of materials for protection in demanding contact conditions or aggressive environments. This journal is the principal forum for the interchange of information on (i) the science, technology and applications of protective thin films, coatings and surface treatments, and (ii) methods to characterize structure, composition, and properties of modified surfaces.
переходов по ссылке: 1411

Surface and Interface Analysis
Surface and Interface Analysis is devoted to the publication of papers dealing with the development and application of techniques for the characterization of surfaces, interfaces and thin films. Papers dealing with standardization and quantification are particularly welcome, and also those which deal with the application of these techniques to industrial problems. Papers dealing with the purely theoretical aspects of the technique will also be considered.
переходов по ссылке: 453

Surface Science
Surface Science deals exclusively with fundamental experimental and theoretical studies in the physics and chemistry of surfaces. It covers topics contributing to a better understanding of basic phenomena occurring on surfaces; the word “surface” being interpreted to include all interfaces between solids, polymers, biomaterials, nanostructures, soft matter, liquids, gases and/or vacuum.
переходов по ссылке: 1464

Surface Science Reports
The journal contains invited review papers on the properties of surfaces and interfaces of metals, semiconductors and insulators. The emphasis is on fundamental aspects of solid and liquid interfaces, their atomic and electronic structure.
переходов по ссылке: 1366

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