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Acta Polymerica Sinica
Acta Polymerica Sinica (APS) is a monthly journal sponsored by the the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Chemical Society and and edited by a distinguished editorial board headed by Professor Fosong Wang. APS is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the timely publication of original research ideas and results in the field of polymer science. Each issue carries regular papers, rapid communications and notes as well as feature articles. Their topics include polymer synthesis, polymer chemistry, polymer physics specialty polymers and applied polymer science.
переходов по ссылке: 512

Additives for Polymers
Additives for Polymers brings you authoritative, independent and comprehensive coverage of the additives' industry worldwide, including: plasticizers, pigments, fire retardants, heat and light stabilizers, fillers and fiber reinforcements. Every month you receive a unique digest of business news, materials, new equipment and technology, market news, legislation and events.
переходов по ссылке: 619

Advances in Polymer Technology
Advances in Polymer Technology, a quarterly peer-reviewed journal edited under the auspices of the Polymer Processing Institute, presents important developments in polymeric materials, production and processing methods, and equipment and product design.
переходов по ссылке: 588

Carbohydrate Polymers
Carbohydrate Polymers covers the study and exploitation of carbohydrate polymers which have current or potential industrial application in areas such as food, textiles, paper, wood, adhesives, biodegradables, biorefining, pharmaceuticals, and oil recovery.
переходов по ссылке: 422

Chinese Journal of Polymer Science
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science (CJPS) is a monthly journal published in English and sponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society and the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. CJPS is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the timely publication of original research ideas and results in the field of polymer science.
переходов по ссылке: 362

Designed Monomers and Polymers
Designed Monomers and Polymers (DMP) provides a forum for the prompt publication of peer-reviewed, English-language papers on all areas of macromolecular design and application. Emphasis will be placed on the macromolecular preparations including the synthesis, characterization and application of monomers. The experimental part should be provided in such detail (including specific observations, precautionary notes, use of new materials, techniques, and their possible problems, etc.) that it could be reproduced by any researcher wishing to repeat the work. The subjects of macromolecular science, initiators, macroinitiators for macromolecular design, as well as the kinetics, mechanism and modeling aspects of polymerization, will be included too.
переходов по ссылке: 406

European Polymer Journal
This journal acts as a medium for the exchange of research in the area of macromolecular substances, both synthetic and natural, and publishes results bearing on the physics or chemistry of polymers.
переходов по ссылке: 2177

International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization
The scope of the journal is to publish original contributions and reviews on studies, methodologies, instrumentation, and applications involving the analysis and characterization of polymers and polymeric-based materials, including synthetic polymers, blends, composites, fibers, coatings, supramolecular structures, polysaccharides, and biopolymers.
переходов по ссылке: 423

International Journal of Polymer Science
International Journal of Polymer Science is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of polymer science.
переходов по ссылке: 524

International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials
The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials will provide a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed, English language articles (including select reviews) on all aspects of polymeric materials. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature and plans to include extensive contributions in the area of Polymeric Biomaterials & Biomedical Polymers, Applied Polymer Science (New Concepts in Polymeric Materials, Energy Related Polymers, Bio-based/Bio-derived Materials, and Polymers for Environmental Applications) to address the innovation needs on such current areas.
переходов по ссылке: 371

Journal of Applied Polymer Science
The Journal of Applied Polymer Science, through full research papers and compact reviews, covers all applications of polymers, from composite and structural materials, to those used in packaging, biomedical implants, plastic electronics, energy, and many more. The journal bridges the crucial gap between basic research and patenting of an invention, targeting a broad audience of academic and industrial researchers, as well as the increasingly important world of scientists and engineers at start-up companies.
переходов по ссылке: 451

Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition
The Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition publishes fundamental research on the properties of polymeric biomaterials and the mechanisms of interaction between such biomaterials and living organisms, with special emphasis on the molecular and cellular levels. The scope of the journal includes polymers for drug delivery, tissue engineering, large molecules in living organisms like DNA, proteins and more. As such, the Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition combines biomaterials applications in biomedical, pharmaceutical and biological fields.
переходов по ссылке: 360

Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry
An essential resource for basic or applied polymer research, including work with natural, synthetic, graft, functional, and specialty polymers, and copolymers, this well-established journal delivers articles on polymerization kinetics, polymer synthesis, degradation and stabilization, micro- and macrostructure, molecular weight distribution, pre-ceramics, composites, advanced materials, and more. With basic and applied research papers, concise review articles, and special topic issues, the journal caters to wide-ranging interests in polymer chemistry.
переходов по ссылке: 421

Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics
This international journal is devoted to the publication of significant fundamental contributions to the physics of macromolecular solids and liquids. Besides all of the areas generally included in polymer solid state physics, this authoritative journal contains papers reporting research in transition mechanisms and structure -property relationships, the physics of polymer solutions and melts, of glassy and rubbery amorphous solids, and the physics of individual polymer molecules and natural polymers.
переходов по ссылке: 366

Journal of Polymers
Journal of Polymers is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles related to all aspects of polymers.
переходов по ссылке: 444

Macromolecular Bioscience
Macromolecular Bioscience is a leading journal at the intersection of polymer and materials sciences with life science and medicine. With a further increased ISI Impact Factor of 3.886 (2011) it is currently ranked among the top 3 biomaterials journals and listed among the top 10 polymer journals. Macromolecular Bioscience offers an attractive mixture of high-quality Reviews, Feature Articles, Communications, and Full Papers.
переходов по ссылке: 367

Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics combines the longest tradition in the field of polymer science with the publication of newest results, latest trends, and their critical evaluation. It offers an attractive mixture of high-quality Full Papers, Talents, Trends, and Highlights in all areas of polymer science - from chemistry to physical chemistry and materials science. The journal also includes Essays, Macromolecular News, and Conference Reports.
переходов по ссылке: 342

Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering is the high-quality polymer science journal dedicated to the design, modification, characterization, and processing of advanced polymeric materials.
переходов по ссылке: 383

Macromolecular Rapid Communications
Macromolecular Rapid Communications is the #1 communications journal publishing original research in polymer science, from chemistry and physics of polymers to polymers in materials science and life sciences.
переходов по ссылке: 339

Macromolecular Reaction Engineering
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering is the only high-quality journal dedicated exclusively to academic and industrial research in the field of polymer reaction engineering.
переходов по ссылке: 372

Macromolecular Symposia
Macromolecular Symposia presents state-of-the-art research articles in the field of macromolecular chemistry and physics. All submitted contributions are peer-reviewed to ensure a high quality of published manuscripts. Accepted articles will be typeset and published as online publication at Wiley Online Library, thereby guaranteeing an immediate international dissemination.
переходов по ссылке: 317

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
Macromolecular Theory and Simulations is the only high-quality polymer science journal dedicated exclusively to theory and simulations, covering all aspects from macromolecular theory to advanced computer simulation techniques.
переходов по ссылке: 313

Macromolecules publishes original research on all fundamental aspects of macromolecular science including synthesis, polymerization mechanisms and kinetics, chemical modification, solution/melt/solid-state characteristics, and surface properties of organic, inorganic, and naturally occurring polymers.
переходов по ссылке: 780

Plasma Processes & Polymers
Plasma Processes & Polymers focuses on the interdisciplinary field of low temperature plasma science, covering both experimental and theoretical aspects of fundamental and applied research in materials science, physics, chemistry and engineering in the area of plasma sources and plasma-based treatments.
переходов по ссылке: 382

Plastics Additives & Compounding
Plastics Additives & Compounding is an international magazine dedicated to technical additives and pigments and their incorporation into compounds and masterbatches. For 10 years it has been offering authoritative, technical coverage of products, technologies and markets to users of additives and compounding equipment.
переходов по ссылке: 473

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